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Vývojář: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

NASA’s Cassini mission to Saturn has provided a unique opportunity for the Magnetospheric IMaging Instruments (MIMI) to study the energetic charged particle environment, and obtain images of Saturn using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) imaging. There is a rich dataset of spectrograms, plots, movies, and images that are now accessible via a dedicated iOS app.

Among the data products within the MIMI suite that are viewable through the app, include the ENA images of Saturn taken with the Ion and Neutral CAmera (INCA), and spectrograms and line plots from the Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurement System (LEMMS) and CHarge Energy Mass Spectrometer (CHEMS) particle detectors. The instrument health and safety data are restricted to Cassini team members, while the calibrated science data are available to all.

The CassiniMIMI app provides easy access to some of Cassini browse products that are currently in NASA’s publically accessible Planetary Data System (PDS). For some products, the public is now able to see the most up-to-date plots produced on a daily basis. Also, the public now has access to new MIMI data products that are only in the process of being released to PDS.

The publically available browse products are selectable by source, type, date, style, plots, and movies. Click on the link below to checkout a description of the public menu selections, highlights of the display, samples of public plots and movies, what’s shown in the icon, and links to supporting links, including the Cassini MIMI website, instrument user’s guide, and archive at PDS.